This fireworks show includes: A large selection of multi-shot cakes. Items will vary based on availability. Included here are a wide sample of potential cakes that are included in the package.
*Products are subject to change and may be replaced by others at equal or greater value*
This Family Firework show includes:
1. Red Alert (x1) $27.00 -
16 Shots of tails, colour bursts and strobing stars.
2. Mad House (x2) $29.00 - 16 Shots of coloured tails to coloured glittering bursts with crackling chrysanthemums.
3. Two Four (x2) $44.00 - 24 Crackling tails crackling willows & coloured stars.
4. Bahama Mama Plus (x1) $50.00 - 19 Shots of silver tails to coloured palms & kamuros.
5. Short Circuit (x2) $55.00 - 30 Coloured zigzagging comets.
6. Master Blaster (x2) $55.00 - 25 Shots of crackling coloured mines & coloured bombs.
7. Hard Core (x2) $56.00 - 25 Shots of large coloured bursts.
8. Gold Palm (x2) $60.00 - Green, blue, lemon purple peony's to golden rain.
9. Queen of Hearts (x2) $65.00
10. Bomber (x2) $65.00 - 36 Large red, blue and green peonies with loud crackling
11. Haywire (x2) $68.00 - A multi-shot cake with 25 shots of large red, green, yellow and multicoloured palm crossettes.
12. Vendetta (x2) $64.00 - 36 Shots coloured tails bursting colour strobing time rain.
13. Act of Valour (x4) $70.00 - 35 shots coloured & crackling tails bursting time rain.
14. Malevolent (x2) $70.00 - 40 Red and white strobing peonies.
15. Glittering Brocades (x2) $70.00 - 30 Shots of brocade crown mines to gold brocade crowns with gold strobing.
16. Mosaic $70.00 -
17. Fragmented (x2) $73.00 - 48 Shots of coloured crossettes.
18. Z Fan Raid $75.00 -
19. Mammoth (x2) $95.00 - 36 Shots of coloured and crackling peonies/tails.
20. Wicked Witch (x3) $100.00 - 60 Shots of red and white falling leaves to crackling chrysanthemums.
21. Joker (x3) $100.00 - 60 Shots of red, green, blue and yellow zig-zagging, whistling comets.
22. Hells Gate (x1) $40.00 - Coloured tails coloured glittering stars & chrysanthemums.
23 Royal Brocade (x1) $45.00 - Gold tail to brocade crown & red green blue stars.
24. Whiskey Tango (x1) $46.00 - 20 Crackling tails to colour crackling bursts.
25. Lock Down (x1) $46.00 - 24 Tails bursting to pink, yellow & blue / crackling.
26. Snapshot (x1) $64.00 - WhistleTails to coloured strobing peonies and crackling stars.
27. Screech Owl (x2) $80.00
*Products are subject to change and may be replaced by others at equal or greater value*
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